Dr. Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT Chairman SATHA
It is immense pleasure for us to host South Asia Triple Helix Association at our university. Universities as main hub for knowledge creation share a great responsibility for prosperity and welfare of the society. I am proud that our university has taken the lead in this regard. For our region I feel the new economic growth model of triple helix will provide myriad opportunities for innovation and economic development. This is our resolve that we will bring all stakeholder on same page and lay foundations for strong universities, industry and government linkages in the South Asia region.
Henry Etzkowitz, President of
Triple Helix Association, (International Triple Helix Institute (ITHI); University of London, Birkbeck College, UK)
Dear Colleagues Welcome! We support your analytical and normative efforts to realize the potential of the Triple Helix. The transition to an innovation model with triadic interactions of collaboration, conflict and mediation among university, industry and government, optimized by a Civil Society platform of free association, is underway in South Asia.