Our Vision

Promoting economic development through research based quality interactions between University-Industry-Government linkages.

Our Mission

South Asia THA chapter focuses to put the region on sound economic growth and prosperity through increased innovation, competitiveness and institutional development by encouraging and strengthening knowledge based interactions between university, industry and government.

Our Objectives

South Asia THA has the mandate to promote all activities envisioned under Triple Helix Association. The chapter will promote regional economic growth through better interactions models between University-Industry-Government. SATHA strives for following objectives:

  • SATHA will facilitate regional governments to promote economic growth, innovation and competitiveness through better interactions between knowledge producers and users.
  • SATHA will launch various capacity building programs to promote the quality of interactions between UIG.
  • SATHA will focus to promote research on understanding of current states and future needs of interactions among the UIG in the regional domain and will benchmark it with international best practices.
  • SATHA will promote THA overarching objectives in the region,

Other than above mentioned regional objectives SATHA encompasses all the overarching objectives of THA:

  1. Stimulate the interaction between the Triple Helix actors (universities, enterprises and government) and other innovation actors, in order to foster research, innovation, economic competitiveness and growth;
  2. Perform and disseminate studies, reports, analyses and scientific findings related to all aspects of Triple Helix interactions;
  3. Organize Triple Helix conferences and other meetings of relevant scientific interest;
  4. Promote international exchanges of scholars in the areas of interest for the THA;
  5. Assist in the education of students, scholars and practitioners in areas of interest for the THA;
  6. Prepare and perform joint projects involving Triple Helix actors, funded by regional, national or international sponsor agencies;
  7. Ensure a wide communication and visibility of their activities to the local, national and international community through various channels, including own websites, newsletters, brochures, etc.

Our Methodology

SATHA has clear objectives for promoting regional economic growth through better interactions between the producers and users of knowledge. It will use numerous strategies and methodologies for the pursuance of its objectives. It will hold conferences, symposiums, research projects, policy diagnostic and training workshops for building capacity of UIG knowledge actors.

Our Services for Universities

SATHA will facilitate universities and its staff to build their capacity for more innovation and applied researches which are in line with the market demand. SATHA will help the researchers in the universities to be networked with the people from industry and government as they are the users of the knowledge produced by universities. SATHA will play the role of a bridge between UIG actors and will promote more knowledge oriented and researched based interactions between the three actors. SATHA will help universities to commercialize their innovation. SATHA will provide platform for training and development for the promotion of applied research and innovation commercialization.

Our Services for Industry

Objectives of economic growth cannot be achieved if industry is alienated from the mainstream knowledge generation. SATHA in close collaboration with industry will work for exploringindustry problems and get it connected with the useful resource from universities for solution of those problems. The role of SATHA will provide research and training facilities for industry to enhance their capabilities to achieve competitiveness globally.

Our Services for Governments

Building capacity of the Governments will be the most important focus of SATHA as in South Asian countries the governments still work on traditional and outdated mode and hence the objectives of economic growth and poverty elevation could not be achieved. SATHA will execute a comprehensive plan for capacity building of governments through regional chapters and help all knowledge actors to coordinate effectively for the achievements of its objectives.

At outset most of the activities of SATHA will be financed and supported by University of Management and Technology Lahore through its Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC). However with the passage of time SATHA will built its own member base and will provide consultancy and training services to universities, industry and governments.

Awareness and Public Relationship

SATHA will develop its own website which will provide basic information about functions and events of it. The team at SATHA will rigorously follow an awareness campaign to increase the outreach. The team has already gathered a huge databases of universities and industries working in South Asia. The main instruments for SATHA awareness will be website, brochures, Seminars and conferences to deliver its message to the respective audience. 

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